Saturday, July 12, 2008

Design Notes for Low-Cost Solar Percolator Water Pump

Hello All - This posting looks at designing "Low-Cost Solar Percolator Water Pump". The topics in this posting might be helpful in providing basic survival needs, making into products to sell, or instructions for people to make devices themselves. Good Luck!

FYI - As a start, how about these Solar Percolator Water Pump
patents. Please remember that newer patents are probably not expired, and therefore active. Patents that have expired due to age (generally more than 20 years old from the filing date) are free to use by anyone.

LIFTING OF LIQUIDS BY SOLAR HEATUS Pat. 2230917 - Filed May 22, 1939
Self-pumping solar heating system with geyser pumping actionUS Pat. 4478211 - Filed Jun 18, 1982
Self-contained reflux condenser solar water heaterUS Pat. 4305382 - Filed Dec 19, 1979
Pulsing steam solar water pumpUS Pat. 4309148 - Filed Dec 7, 1979
Water pumping system using solar energyUS Pat. 5511954 - Filed Jun 26, 1995
Solar displacement pumpUS Pat. 4431385 - Filed Nov 16, 1981
Self actuating diaphragm pumpUS Pat. 4508493 - Filed Feb 28, 1983
* Solar diaphragm pumpUS Pat. 4427350 - Filed Jan 11, 1982
* Solar powered liquid metering deviceUS Pat. 4407637 - Filed Jan 22, 1981
* COFFEE AND WATER URNUS Pat. 964029 - Filed Jun 27, 1908
Portable brewing systemUS Pat. App 11/157,285 - Filed Jun 21, 2005
Solar controlled water wellUS Pat. 4802829 - Filed Feb 17, 1987
* Solar heating systemUS Pat. 4270521 - Filed Aug 15, 1979
Solar energy generatorUS Pat. 5351488 - Filed Jan 31, 1994
Water pumping system using solar energyUS Pat. 5511954 - Filed Jun 26, 1995
Solar power generator and water purifierUS Pat. 4253307 - Filed Aug 27, 1979
Solar thermal powered water pumpUS Pat. 5163821 - Filed Apr 2, 1991
Sun Heat MotorUS Pat. 1785651 - Filed May 17, 1928
Solar water pumpUS Pat. 4409961 - Filed Mar 23, 1981
Solar powered Stirling engineUS Pat. 4707990 - Filed Feb 27, 1987
Pumping system using solar energyUS Pat. 3937599 - Filed Oct 11, 1974
Solar controlled water wellUS Pat. 4802829 - Filed Feb 17, 1987
Wind-solar lift pumpUS Pat. 4519749 - Filed Nov 15, 1982

To search for more Solar Percolator Water Pump patents, try the following.

In the Patent List above, look at the "Citations" and "Referenced by" of each of the patents that interest you the most. By doing this, you're essentially finding "more like this".

For a Worldwide search, go to
1 - In the "International Patent Classification (IPC)" field, copy and paste in the following - f04 OR e03 OR a47
2 - In the "Keyword(s) in title or abstract" field, copy and paste in the following - solar* AND water* AND pump*
3 - Press SEARCH. View your results.

In addition, here's some other information you might find interesting.
* Cooking Without Carbon: Solar Espresso
* the Discussion Board Fresnel to heat water
* Fresnel lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Coffee percolator
* Stirling engine
* Solar hot water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Water well pump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Portable water purification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Desalination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Solar hot water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Solar water disinfection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Solar hot water panel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Portable water purification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Solar furnace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Solar still - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Solar thermal collector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Find your local library at Libweb and ask about Solar Percolator Water Pump.
* You could ask for help from an Engineering School. Find schools at
All Engineering Schools.

So what can you do with all this information? Here's some suggestions.
+ You could make and sell the device described in the expired patent. Please note that just because something is patented or written, it might not work all that well or might not be safe in today's standards. Use your own judgment, or seek help, to stay safe and out of trouble.
+ You could "translate" the expired patent into easy-to-understand instructions for others to make the device. These instructions could use easy-to-find materials, like trees, plants, rocks, people, scrap materials, etc.
+ You could recruit the inventors or authors to help you, since they are experts in their field. Some of the inventors of older patents might be retired now and might be looking for something to do.
+ Existing manufacturers of Solar Percolator Water Pump could use this information to make their already fine products even better, more efficient, or less expensive.
+ Build on the work of others. Maybe,
use patent images instead of starting with a blank sheet of paper. Computer model other's designs and make the designs better or cheaper or simpler. You don't have to "reinvent the wheel" . Design around active patents.
+ You could use the information to brainstorm new ideas.

Here's some brainstorming ticklers to help you launch in new directions around the topic of Solar Percolator Water Pump.
Using solar to boil water
* Heating water with solar
* Solar to disinfect water
* Solar water pumps and filters

That's about all for now. As background, the site "Design for the Other 90%" said to "GET INVOLVED", so I did. I plan to continue posting these LOW-COST DESIGN TOPICS on my Blog for a while yet. Let me know if you have a topic you would like covered. I'm open to suggestions on improving my blog format, too. Please e-mail me directly.. I hope you find this helpful. I'm sure you can do much better though! Good Luck!

For more of my LOW COST DESIGN TOPICS - Click on the tag below "design for the other 90%".

See disclaimers on TG Ideas LLC publications and website -,


Sunday, July 06, 2008

Interfacing with the Doctor Within

FYI - TG Ideas LLC has recently launched a new blog "Interfacing with the Doctor Within" - I still plan to continue on this "Ideas for Products or Inventions" blog also. I think both have merit....and will keep me busy in retirement starting next year!

This "Interfacing with the Doctor Within" concept was first introduced on this "Ideas for Products or Inventions" blog several months ago, under the titles of Low-Cost Medical Diagnostic and Treatment - Parts 1 and 2. I think this concept has so much potential I made a new blog just on this topic alone. If interested, please visit and comment. I look forward to hearing from you.

There seems to be a "Doctor Within" that takes care of most of the body functions, with or without our help or the help of a medical professional. Sometimes, however, the "Doctor Within" might need help from the outside to complete the body repairs. Currently we only "look in" to fix the health problem by our medical tests, etc. We don't “ask” the "Doctor Within" what it needs to fix itself. This new blog lays the foundation for better accessing and investigating the "Doctor Within", perhaps by electronic means.

TG Ideas LLC has created this blog to promote the use of science to record and explore the “intuitive messages” the body, mind, and spirit are trying to tell us about our health and health of others. Up to now, we could only say or write these "intuitive messages". Throughout the world, there is much research being done on "Brain Computer Interfaces" that show brain or mind activity. On the other hand, very little research is being done on to automatically recording "intuitive messages". By doing so, we could scientifically study and improve on this process, and maybe someday, have a device to "Interface with the Doctor Within". This concept might just be a solution to high health care costs.

Please feel free to visit and add your comments, research, experimentation in this area.

Tom - TG Ideas LLC