Friday, September 07, 2018

How to Instruct Patients so that they Understand and Retain the Information.

Would you like your Patients Learn better what you are trying to Teach them?

Each patient has a different Learning Style.  To effectively Educate or Inform a Patient, it is best to learn the Patient's Learning Style and other factors before you try to Teach them.

Whether Patient or not each of us learns best by one or more of the following:
Also, some people prefer to Learn Individually and some prefer Learning in Groups.

In addition, each patient has certain physical and/or mental abilities to learn and to do things after patient education.  There might be Physical and/or Mental Limitations which impede Learning, though many of these limitations can be handled by special means. 

Furthermore, Patient's Language and/or Culture should be considered.

Understanding Patients' Literacy Level is Crucial Step in Care - AAFP

Overcoming language barriers in healthcare: A protocol for ...

How To Care For Patients From Different Cultures | Nurse.Org

Dealing with Patients from Other Cultures - Clinical Methods - NCBI ...

Currently, there are not many tools to evaluate the Learning Style and/or Learning/Doing Abilities, but here are a few below.....

Patient Learning Style Assessment

The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT) and User's ...

A Practical Approach to Assessing Patient Learning Needs - NCBI - NIH

Learning Assessment - The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Assessing learning needs - Euromed Info

Choosing effective patient education materials: MedlinePlus Medical ...

Learning Style Assessment: A New Patient Teaching Tool? : Journal ...

Educating patients: understanding barriers, learning styles, and ... - NCBI

Consider a patient's style of learning - Healio

Here are a few General Learning Style Evaluation Tools that could be adapted to Evaluate a Patient's Learning and/or Ability to Learn.

Learning Style Inventory

Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire - NC State Webtools

The VARK Questionnaire - VARK Learn

Learning Style Survey - Diablo Valley College

Learning Style Questionnaire

LEARNING STYLES:Find out in 2 minutes - LD Pride

Generally speaking, the Patient's Personality is directly related to the Patient's Learning Style, as shown below.

Learning Styles of the 16 Personality Types - HumanMetrics

Learning style and personality type. - NCBI

Knowledge of Personality Types Can Enhance Instructional Programs ...

A few General References on Patient Education Learning Styles are listed below.

Assessing learning styles: practical tips for patient education. - NCBI

Learning styles and teaching strategies: enhancing the patient ... - NCBI

Educating patients: understanding barriers, learning styles, and ... - NCBI

Brain function, learning styles, and cancer patient education. - NCBI

Introducing the concept of learning styles in rehabilitation. - NCBI

A pilot study to evaluate learning style–tailored information ...

A personalized approach to deliver health care information to diabetic ...

Exploring the relation between learning style and cognitive impairment ...

Learning style and learning needs of heart failure patients (The ... - NCBI

Patient-centered education: applying learner-centered concepts to ...

After all this, Please make sure Patient Understands what you have taught them.

Steps to Assess Health Literacy and Improve Patient Understanding

Do Patients Understand? - NCBI - NIH

Use the Teach-Back Method to Confirm Patient Understanding | The ...

Can Your Patient Understand Your Instructions? - crico

Informed Consent: How do You Assess a Patient's Understanding ...

You Can't Tell By Looking! Assessing a Patient's Ability to Read ... 

References for Low Cost Patient Education:

Hesperian Health Guides | Knowledge for Action – Action for Health

Home - Health Books International (Formerly TALC)


Conclusion - Determining a Patient's Personality, Learning Style, and Ability to Learn should be foremost, before Patient Education begins, for Maximum Effectiveness and Retention.  Confirm that Patient Understands what they have been Taught.

Few Easy to Use Patient Learning Assessment Tools are available now, but more are expected in the future, especially considering the trend toward Patient Centered Care.


Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical advice.









Tuesday, September 04, 2018

An Audacious Patient-Doctor Matchmaking Tool and/or Service Coming Soon!

I don't know about you, but when I need a new doctor, all I have to go by are the doctor's credentials, specialties, etc.

But, what about the doctor's personality?  What kind of person is each doctor on this list of possibilities?

Even when I call and ask for help finding a doctor, all they repeat back are the doctor's credentials and specialties.

Some doctors have a web page and maybe a video which helps some, but not much.

Why can't we patients have a sci/tech tool that helps us match ourselves to a doctor who we can get along with - and a doctor who knows what they're doing?

A Doctor-Patient Relationship is very different from taking my car to a Mechanic to be fixed.  I need to trust the doctor and be honest with what's going on with me.  Only then, can a doctor treat me properly.  If I shut down in front of a doctor, the relationship goes nowhere.  I get discouraged and the doctor doesn't know why I don't get better.

Perhaps this article will stimulate innovation to implement such a tool.  Please see below for start materials.

For myself, I'd like the Patient-Doctor Matching Tool have these features:
  • Match Patient Needs first (specialist, family doctor, etc.)
  • Narrow results to those providers covered by Patient's Insurance.
  • Narrow by Patient's Personality vs. Doctor's Personality
  • Narrow by Patient's Satisfaction History (Something like Angie's List) - Also, consider Malpractice Claims or Complaints (Something like BBB complaints)
  • Narrow by Distance from Patient to Doctor and Doctor Availability. 
I'd also like a Periodic Review of Patient-Doctor Performance, similar to Employer-Employee Performance Appraisals.   By doing so, both the doctor and patient know where they stand.  
  • Does the patient need to do more to help themselves.  
  • Does the doctor need to improve?
  • Do both Patient and Doctor need to improve, change direction, etc.?

What do you think?  Feel free to comment.  Your comment might help those who make such Patient-Doctor Matching Tool.

Doctor Match Quiz (Allegheny Health Network) seems to be the leader right now, but it isn't available in my area, at least.  In addition, I think much more could be done, but it's a start.

Also, perhaps this Doctor-Patient Matching could be done by a Service, similar to a Dating Agency or Employment Agency.

Here are a few more resources on which to build on:

Patient profiles and Primary Care Provider matching system ...

Physician-patient matching service Grand Rounds raises $55M round ...

Will Patients Flock To This New “Find A Doctor” App? - Fast Company

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Medicine - Long School of ...

The for healthier doctor-patient relationships? | Well+Good

Improving the Doctor-‐Patient Relation in China Through ... - DukeSpace

Do Online Matchmaking Tests Work? An Assessment of Preliminary ...

The effect of client choice of therapist on therapy outcome.

Patient Satisfaction and Physician Productivity - Semantic Scholar

Beliefs About Control in the Physician-patient Relationship - NCBI - NIH

Doctor-Patient Relationship in Psychiatry - NCBI - NIH

A Match Made in Heaven?: A Pilot Study of Patient–Therapist Match

What Predicts Patients' Willingness to Undergo Online Treatment and ...

Interpersonal Skill in Medicine: The Essential Partner of Verbal ...

Improving Communication between Physicians and Their Patients ...

Patient-physician compatibility increases odds of following doctor's ...

Might Personality Tests Of Patients Improve Preventive Health Care ...

Researchers use AI to match patients with primary care doctors ...

Matching Patients With The Right Provider - Health IT Outcomes

Algorithms Connect Patients To The Right Doctors - Health IT Outcomes

The for healthier doctor-patient relationships? | Well+Good

Utilizing Patient Personality Information in RGP Practice - NTNU

Choosing a Physician Depends on How You Want to Feel: The Role of ...

What Doctors Wished Their Patients Knew - Consumer Reports

Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Personality Type and Mindfulness ...

Personality differences between doctors and their patients ...

MatchMe EMMC - Easily find a new primary care provider

Signs of a Good Doctor and a Bad Doctor | Reader's Digest

Meet Your Match: Find the Right Doctor for You | MDsave

Personality and Health Care Decision-Making Style - NCBI - NIH

"Seeing a doctor is just like having a date": a qualitative study on ...

A Match Made in Heaven?: A Pilot Study of Patient–Therapist Match

Measuring Patients' Perceptions of Patient-Centered Care: A ...

Quality of physician-patient relationships is associated with the ...

VentureBeat: WSU researchers part of team using use AI to match ...

the doctor-patient relationship - eTheses Repository - University of ...

The power relationship between doctors, patients and the ... - UNSWorks

Personality - CiM Assessments - Understand Yourself - Choose Your ...

MatchMe EMMC - Easily find a new primary care provider

Creating Patient-centered Team-based Primary Care - PCMH - AHRQ

Trust in the Medical Profession: Conceptual and Measurement Issues

Determining Patient's Satisfaction with Medical Care - International ...

Patient Satisfaction and Physician Productivity: Complementary or ...

Telemedicine and Doctor-Patient Communication - Nuffield Council on ...

Doctor-patient communication and patient satisfaction: a review ...

Using Online Provider Reviews to Solve Patient Satisfaction Issues

360-Degree Physician Performance Review - CAHO Hospitals

A scale assessing doctor-patient communication in a context of acute ...

Patient Satisfaction Survey as a Tool Towards Quality Improvement

Do 360-degree Feedback Survey Results Relate to Patient ...

What Patients Say About Their Doctors Online: A Qualitative Content ...

Impact of Physician–Patient Discussions on Patient Satisfaction

A questionnaire identifying four key components of patient satisfaction ...

When choosing a doctor, patients prefer online reviews to government ...

Does Doctor–Patient Communication Affect Patient Satisfaction with ...

Transparency and Trust — Online Patient Reviews of Physicians ...

A scale assessing doctor-patient communication in a context of acute ...

What Do We Really Know About Patient Satisfaction? -- FPM - AAFP

The Development of an Instrument for the Assessment of Doctor ...

Measurement of Physician-Patient Communication—A Systematic ...

Patient Satisfaction at Tertiary Level Healthcare Services in Greece ...

Patients Should Share Accountability for Own Health | Medpage Today

A structured questionnaire to assess patient compliance and beliefs ...

A patient compliance survey in a general medical clinic. - NCBI

Patient Engagement Survey: Technology Tools Gain Support — But ...

Patient Surveys/Questionnaires -- FPM Toolbox - AAFP

Blurred Lines: The Doctor-Patient Relationship-in-Training » in ...

Quiz: What's the ideal medical specialty for your personality? - The DO

Personality Traits of Nurses in Anesthesia and Family Nurse ...

How to Choose a Doctor - MedStar Health

Conclusion - The idea of Smart Doctor-Patient Matching is out there now and ready to grow.  

You probably won't be able to forget there probably is a better way to find a doctor, coming soon!  Wait for it.  Work for it.  Ask about it.  Share the idea and your own ideas of what could be done for Doctor-Patient Matchmaking. 


Disclaimer -  Article is for information only and is not medical advice.

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Doctors, might you consider Prescribing your Patients Make a "Gratitude List"?

Research has shown that shifting thinking from Suffering to Gratitude is beneficial to Health.

Doctors, might you consider Prescribing your Patients make a "Gratitude List"?  In doing so, your patients might feel better, have more resilience, and might need less medicine/treatment. 

What do you have to lose in Prescribing Your Patients "Do a Daily Gratitude List"?

Perhaps, your Prescription could suggest a Daily Gratitude Exercise maybe in a Workbook OR Journal.  See list below of possible free resources.


Resources for "Gratitude Prescriptions" - Exercises, Workbooks, Journals, Templates, Apps, etc.:

Gratitude Journal: 67 Templates, Ideas, and Apps for Your Diary

Free Online Gratitude Journal - Your Private Journal at

FREE printable gratitude journal - Pinterest

Gratitude journal - Wikipedia

5 Awesome iOS Apps for Starting & Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal Guide: Tips, Templates, Ideas and Examples - Penzu

Gratitude Journal - UT Counseling and Mental Health Center

gratitude journal - Kaiser Permanente


The power of thankfulness: Why your doctor's next prescription could ...

Gratitude as Medicine - Greater Good Science Center - UC Berkeley

The Appreciation Prescription: Why You Need Multiple Daily Doses of ...

Gratitude is good medicine - UC Davis Health

A Prescription for Stress Reduction | Greater Good Magazine

Gratitude: A Prescription for Health - Shell Point Retirement Community

A prescription for gratitude | Health Beat | Spectrum Health

Laughter prescription - NCBI - NIH

The Daily Gratitude List | Psychology Today

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Impact of a Web-based Gratitude ...

Examining the Pathways between Gratitude and Self ... - NCBI - NIH

Gratitude uniquely predicts lower depression in chronic illness ... - NCBI

Gratitude and Well Being - NCBI - NIH

A Gratitude Intervention in Improving Well-being and Coping in People ...

The proximal experience of gratitude - NCBI - NIH

A pilot randomized study of a gratitude journaling intervention on HRV ...

The effects of optimism and gratitude on adherence, functioning and ...

The Prayer Prescription - NCBI - NIH


Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical advice.

Saturday, September 01, 2018

What can we learn from "Quack" Medicines, Medical Devices, and Therapy?

What's the difference between Alternative Medical Devices and Quack Medical Devices?  It depends on who you ask!
  • Satisfied patients who have found relief in such devices will say the devices are Alternative/Complementary Therapy, that maybe even a doctor recommended. (Anecdotal Evidence)
  • Purists who ignore Anecdotal Evidence and only accept Scientific Evidence will say the devices are Quackery.
Like it or not, Alternative/Complementary Medical (CAM) Devices are here to stay, despite being called Quackery, by some.  This is shown by the huge, and growing, CAM market.


Okay, now that we have that out of the way, here's a list of Complementary/Alternative Medicine/Therapy/etc.

Now to the learning parts:
  • First and most important - Some past/present CAM modalities are just not safe.  Why not make them safe for patient use - via redesign, instructions, etc.?

  • Healthcare professionals, e.g. doctors, could help patients find relief from symptoms when science does not provide relief - if they wanted to and were not bound by peer ethics.

Quiz - Is it more important to provide "relief in any way" to patients, especially those with chronic symptoms, e.g. pain,  or only provide scientifically proven methods of relief?

Clue - Try taking a copper magnetic bracelet away from a patient finding relief from pain from this bracelet.

There you have it.  Let's get to work!

References -

The placebo effect in alternative medicine: can the ... - NCBI - NIH

Placebo effect behind many natural cures - Health - Alternative ...

Placebo Effects: Biological, Clinical and Ethical Advances - NCBI - NIH

The ethics of the placebo in clinical practice | Journal of Medical Ethics

Is Alternative Medicine Just a Placebo? | Psychology Today

Do medical devices have enhanced placebo effects? - Semantic Schola

Welcome to The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices Online ...

Quack Medical - Spark Museum

Ridiculous Vintage Quack Medical Devices | Medical Billing

Alternative "Quack" Medical Devices

The Big Quack Attack: Medical Devices - Device Watch

Part IV: Regulating Cosmetics, Devices, and Veterinary Medicine After ...

The Literature of Quackery: Amusement and Understanding - OHSU

Medical Quackery!

The Quack Doctor

Questionable Device Index - Quackwatch

museum of quack medical electrotherapy instruments - W1TP ...

Quackery - Wikipedia

Anecdotal evidence - Wikipedia

Scientific evidence - Wikipedia

Safe Use of Complementary Health Products and Practices | NCCIH

The other side of the coin: safety of complementary and alternative ...

The placebo effect is amplified when doctors appear likeable and ...

Should Doctors Use More Placebos? - Medscape

Snake Oil, Hustlers and Hambones: The American Medicine Show




Article is for information only and is not medical advice.