Saturday, April 26, 2008

Design Notes for Low-Cost Medical Diagnostic and Treatment – Part 2

New - Please also see "Interfacing with the Doctor Within" -

Hello All – This posting continues in designing Low-Cost Medical Diagnostic/Treatment, expanding on interfacing with the "Doctor Within". The goal in all this is to use science to record and explore the “messages” the body, mind, and spirit are trying to tell us about our health and health of others.

Please read this information over and If you like what you see, please pass this along to as many others you think might also be interested. Feel free to comment on this blog posting, perhaps adding your own research. This posting can also be viewed and downloaded at

Repeating portions of the previous posting on designing
"Low-Cost Medical Diagnostic/Treatment Devices – Part 1"….There seems to be a "Doctor Within" that takes care of most of the body functions, with or without our help or the help of a medical professional. However, sometimes the "Doctor Within" seems to need help from the outside to complete the body repairs. It seems that currently we only "look in" to fix the health problem by our medical tests, etc. We don't seem to “ask” the "Doctor Within" what it needs to fix itself. I'd like to lay the foundation for better accessing the "Doctor Within", perhaps by electronic means.

Maybe intuition is a way to access the "Doctor Within". Other names for
intuition are – hunch, gut feel, sixth sense, gut instinct, gut knowing, innate wisdom, gut reaction, etc. Nothing new here, Medical Intuition has been around for some time.

This posting proposes some ways to detect and record intuition, plus some information on possible “how-to” techniques.

Medical Dowsing or Radiesthesia – Possible How-To Information

Dowsing has been described as an indicator of intuition or unknown knowledge. As you will see below, computer-assisted dowsing is not new. I suggest starting with what has been done already with medical dowsing or Radiesthesia. Then, interface this dowsing with a computer.

A computer or PDA could record dowsing answers very nicely without interrupting the dowsing train of thought. Looking ahead, I can see where computers can help explore these ideomotor effects by recording, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating these effects. Computers can also help form questions and provide known information to the user. It seems like all the traditional uses of dowsing could be duplicated and maybe enhanced by computer-assisted dowsing.

DE19517828 - Deflection measuring device for divining rod. This patent application shows how to interface a divining (dowsing) rod to a computer (computer-assisted dowsing.

A Simple, Low-Cost, Data-Logging Pendulum Built from a Computer Mouse

Camera Mouse to record any dowsing tool response.

Hand worn remote computer mouse - US Pat. 5489922 -– could be part of a dowsing tool.

* Once dowsing tool responses are inputted to computer,
Mouse Gesture software could interpret the tool response into answers.

* A
Pie Menu might be viewed as a pendulum-dowsing chart. A Mouse Pad or Computer Screen could be in the form of a Dowsing Chart or an anatomy diagram, Aura diagram, or Chakra diagram. WebMD or other Internet resources could also be dowsed for diagnosis/treatment.

Tactile-acoustic information detecting and measuring apparatus and methodUS Pat. 5744715 - measuring "stick" as used in Radionics. Furthermore, a computer touch pad might be used instead of a Radionic Stick Plate.

System and method for speech generation from brain activityUS Pat. 7275035 – Ideomotor responses might initiate speech.

Polygraph (Lie Detector) Devices to record intuition – Possible How-To Information

EP1651942 - ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL INTUITION INDICATOR…uses body measurements to infer intuition….

US6067468 - Apparatus for monitoring a person's psycho-physiological condition…uses skin resistance…

DIY Polygraph

* Build on the work of
Cleve Backster and his theory of Plant Perception. Maybe plants could be a remote intuition indicator in themselves and the results could then be inputted into a computer. Don’t forget about animals having a “sixth sense”, knowing when someone is sick.

Gut Feelings, Intuition, and Emotions: An Exploratory Study - Dean I. Radin, Marilyn J. Schlitz. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. February 1, 2005, 11(1): 85-91. doi:10.1089/acm.2005.11.85. – uses electrogastrogram to investigate gut feelings.

* The intuitive responses of
Medical Intuitives, Doctors, Veterinarians, Patients, etc. could be recorded and studied to enhance medical diagnosis.

Inputting Other Intuition Indicators into a computer – Possible How-To Information

Message type recording psychographsUS Pat. 4753439 - Filed Oct 10, 1985

Ouija Mouse Pad

Gypsy: The First Computerized Talking Board

Automatic Writing could be inputted to a computer using handwriting recognition software.

Facilitated Communication could be inputted to a computer helping a patient unable to communicate their healthcare wishes.

Use the existing tools for measuring/recording
Ideomotor involuntary movements – Possible How-To Information

Tremor measurement deviceUS Pat. 4306291 - Filed Dec 14, 1979

Measuring movement disorderUS Pat. 5562104 - Filed Apr 6, 1994

System an method for detecting tremors such as those which result from ...US Pat. 5293879 - Filed Sep 23, 1991

Collaborative diagnosis and treatment plan – Possible How-To Information

Collaborative software could link computer-assisted dowsers or other information seekers together in an efficient manner. This is similar to “getting a second opinion”.

Decreasing computer assistance – Possible How-To Information

* Perhaps there could be
computer based training to help people increase their own innate intuition. Computer-assisted dowsing could be viewed as “training wheels” to using intuition efficiently.

Stay tuned for news/progress in this exciting research area! Are you with me? Let me know. Thanks!

NOTE - Please remember that newer patents are probably not expired, and therefore active. Please also be advised that many countries have legal restrictions or regulations regarding diagnosing and treating others and the equipment used therein -
Alternative Medicine - Regulation, and Medicine - Legal Restrictions, Biomedical Engineering - Regulatory Issues, Medical License, etc. On the other hand, there might be little or no legal restrictions to Self-Diagnosis/Treatment or Self-Experimentation. If in doubt, please check with a legal professional.

This writing, and any other communication, from TG Ideas LLC are strictly for informational purposes. See full disclaimer on TG Ideas LLC publications and website - The above is a collection of publicly available information that anyone could have found and pieced together.