Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How about harnessing the power of unemployed, underemployed, retired, student - Doctors, Engineers, Scientists to crowdsource medical innovation?

"Accelerating Innovation: The Power of the Crowd - This research is based on in-depth interviews and discussions with 39 health leaders from across 15 countries and three different regions - Europe, ASPAC and the Americas. The individuals interviewed for this report are those with national and international reputations in the field of health management, health policy and eHealth across the world. Insights from these interviews were augmented with existing published literature from leading academics and practical examples of eHealth around the world.

eHealth covers an increasingly wide range of activities and approaches. It is commonly understood as encompassing electronic health records, personalized or remotely delivered healthcare (including diagnostics, monitoring, advice, appointments and prescribing), mobile health devices, virtual teamwork, and electronically enabled disease and knowledge management. We have used eHealth as a broad term to include all the information and communication technologies, tools and services for health. It includes health information networks, electronic transmission of data, health portals, telemedicine services and patient owned devices supporting self management and disease prevention.

Download Accelerating Innovation: The Power of the Crowd (.pdf, 1.458 KB).

Download from eHealthNews.eu Portal's mirror: Accelerating Innovation: The Power of the Crowd (.pdf, 1.458 KB)." - all from  http://www.ehealthserver.com/downloads/publications/1069-accelerating-innovation-the-power-of-the-crowd 


Tom sez - How about harnessing the power of unemployed, underemployed, retired, student - Doctors, Engineers, Scientists to crowdsource medical innovation?
