Background - I have a number of Biomedical Engineer friends all over the world. I made this posting to help them (or anyone else reading this). I hope someone finds it helpful. :-)
These are the search strings I used -
- ("biomedical engineering" (job OR work OR position OR employment OR post OR situation OR appointment OR vacancy OR opening))
- ("biomedical engineering" (jobs OR positions OR vacancy OR opening))
- If you're interested in a specific country, add that country or continent, e.g. (biomedical engineering jobs in south africa).
Links that actually have jobs or you can post your availability -
- Biomedical Engineering Jobs - can make alerts too, here.
- Entry Level Biomedical Engineering Jobs
- Biomedical Engineering Related Career Sites
- Biomedical Engineer Jobs
- Biomedical Engineering jobs in Europe
- Facebook - Biomedical Engineering Jobs - also here
- Biomedical Engineer Jobs
- Biomedical Engineering Jobs
- Biomedical Engineering jobs in United States
- Biomedical Engineeering
- Biomedical Engineering Technician Jobs
- Biomedical Engineering Jobs At Federal Government Jobs
- BME Job Links from Yahoo
- Biomedical Engineering Jobs - YouTube
General Information -
- Best Cities for Biomedical Engineers
- Biomedical Engineering News App
- Engineering Jobs App
- R Engineering Jobs - Android Apps on Google Play
- Engineering Jobs | AppBrain Android Market
- BME Networking Sites
- "Real-resumes for Engineering Jobs: --including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Resumes Used to Gain Federal Employment" (Google eBook), Anne McKinney, PREP Publishing, 2004
- Searching by country
- How to Perform a Country Specific Web Search
Good Luck! - You still have to do the networking, resumes, contacting, interviews, etc. - but I hope this helps you in some way.
Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical, legal, or employment advice.