Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fantastic New Cardiovascular System Viewing and Clearing Device

Imagine, if you will, being able to travel through the body's vascular system.  If you could do this, imagine all the good it would do, allowing doctors to better diagnose and treat patients.

The article "Fantastic voyage through the cardiovascular system" summarizes what has been done before to make this this "fantastic voyage" a reality.

To improve on what has been done before, William Zurn, invented and patented "Vessel clearing apparatus, devices and methods" - US 8663209 B2

What was considered science fiction years ago is becoming a reality!

This new technology might be of interest to the medical field, cardiovascular community, and especially cardiovascular MD’s.

For more information on this this fantastic new technology - "Vessel clearing apparatus, devices and methods"  - please contact Mr. Zurn directly using the information below.

Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical advice.

Monday, August 25, 2014

How to Help a Lost Pet or Person Find Their Way Home - Make Your Own Automatic Pet Caller or Audible Homing Beacon

How to Help a Lost Pet or Person Find Their Way Home - Make Your Own Automatic Pet Caller or Audible Homing

Takeaways - 

· An audible homing beacon can help a lost pet find their way home.
· Consider this concept for lost children or wandering patients, too.
· You can make your own automatic pet caller. 

For our audible homing beacon, I used Audacity, a free open-source sound editor. 

To make your own audible homing beacon:
1. Download the Audacity software for your computer.
2. Use the Audacity help screens for set up.
3. Record as many familiar sounds and voices as you can think of. Some examples are pet owner voices, favorite toy sounds, sound of food can opening, rustle of kitty treat bag, and the like. Record the sounds in the house, barn, or favorite location. Many sounds you might not even be aware of, but the pet can hear them.
4. Review and edit, if you want. Just remove any sounds that might scare the pet away. It does not have to be perfect.
5. From the help screens, set up for loop-playback.
6. We set the whole laptop outside, covered from the weather. You could probably keep the computer inside and place the speakers outside. Point the speakers in different directions.
7. Set the volume so the neighbors do not complain.
8. Just let it playback repeatedly until the pet or person comes home. Do not give up on manually looking for the pet or person, however. This homing beacon is just another tool to find a lost pet or person.

If you do not have a computer, you could use a digital recorder, analog tape recorder, or maybe even a cell phone.

For more information:
  Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical advice.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Public Speakers (Politicians) Please Tell Us the Truth! Your Body Signals Let Us Know when You Are Lying, Anyway

Public Speakers (Politicians) Please Tell Us the Truth! - Your Body Signals Let Us Know when You Are Lying, Anyway

Distrust for politicians has been going on for a long time. Until now, little could be done to see if a public speaker was lying or not. Technology and science has now evolved so that we can have a "Truth Indicator" when a person speaks in public.

How can we tell if someone is lying?
  • Might we observe the speaker's body language in addition to their words?
  • Could the speaker's body language cue us into their lying?
  • Perhaps we could ask the speaker why they appeared so nervous answering a question.
"Truth in Politics" is a major concern worldwide. According to a recent article in Time, even the U.S. Supreme Court is taking action to prevent lying in politics.
For many years the only truth-detecting tool available was the Polygraph (Lie-Detector). Technology and science has evolved, however, to give the public more tools to detect lying. In fact, no physical contact is necessary now and can be used over a distance.
  • Books are available now to teach anyone how to detect lies by just observing "body language". Some of the more popular books are "Lie catcher : become a human lie detector in under 60 minutes" by David Craig, "Liespotting" by Pamela Meyer et. al., "Spy the lie : former CIA officers show you how to detect deception" by Philip Houston et al.
  • An example of current/future technology is the AVATAR lie detector, as presented by ABC. Thus, anyone speaking in public could be observed and evaluated by a remote lie detector, such as AVATAR.
  • Another example using science to detect lies is the Fox TV show "Lie to Me", wherein facial expressions and body language are used to determine truth or not.
  • There is even a "Facial and Ocular Lie Detector" Android App, which might be modified for use with television broadcasts of public speakers.
What could be done going forward to improve truth in public speaking? Some possibilities are listed below.
  • Maybe the news media could have "Truth Meters" on the bottom of the TV screen showing the stress level of public speakers. 
  • Perhaps public speakers could have a "Credibility Score" depending on how many times they were caught lying.  This might be analogous to a consumer's Credit Score.
  • Investigative reporters could factor body language into crafting questions for the speaker.
  • The voting public could learn how to "read" the public speaker to determine the level of trust.
  • Perhaps only having the possibility of exposing lies might be enough incentive for speakers to "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". This might be analogous to security cameras reminding us to be honest.
  • Maybe we can't prevent speakers from lying, but might we question them on why they seem so nervous answering the posed question?
  • If you like want a real-time "Truth Meter" on television to evaluate/interpret a public speaker's body language as they are speaking, please pass this article along to television networks and ask them to please make this happen.
We, the public, need the truth to make informed decisions, e.g. on how to vote and whom to support. Perhaps, these techniques could be implemented in upcoming election campaigns. After election these tools could be an ongoing "Truth Watchdog".

The purpose of this article is to stimulate discussion, innovation, and implementation of ways to enhance "Truth in Politics". It seems like the concepts presented in this article should have little or no impact on the honest public speaker (politician) who has nothing to hide from the public.
To end this serious topic on a lighter note, here is a short video where "Johnny Carson is a politician taking a polygraph test in a Mighty Carson Art Players Skit on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" in 1982."

Additional Study Resources:
The attached public domain image is from Wikimedia - "La Bocca della Verità (in English, "the Mouth of Truth") is a renowned image, carved from Pavonazzetto marble, of a man-like face and located in the portico of the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Italy. The most famous characteristic of the mouth is its role as a lie detector; since the Middle Ages, folklore has asserted that if one told a lie with his hand in the mouth of the sculpture, it would be bitten off."

Article originally posted at

Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not legal advice.