Saturday, January 14, 2006

Idea for Smoke Detector that speaks escape plan

"How about smoke detectors that could give a personalized message of what to do when there is a fire or other emergency?  The user of this device would record ahead of time what the escape plan is, and then this smoke detector would repeat this message when the emergency occurred.  Example - "Fire!  Go down the south stairs and meet under the maple tree."
In advanced versions, the message could be updated for current conditions.  For example, if one stairwell was blocked, this new device could change the message to go down another exit.  This might be particularly helpful in industrial or office settings.
Possible Start Building Blocks –
  • Existing concepts for pre-recorded announcements on answering machines, plant wide fire detection systems adapted for home use, etc.

  • USPTO Class/Subclasses for "How-To" ideas – 340/628, 340/693.8, 379/43
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