Saturday, February 04, 2006

Idea to Make Money While You Sleep!

How would you like to make money while you sleep?

How about a system of examining currency automatically – looking for valuable coins or bills.  There seems to be parts of a system out there but not an automatic machine to do it all.  

Imagining - a machine that you load with a night’s worth of currency in a hopper.  Push Start.  The machine would then spread the coins on a conveyer.  The conveyer would then go under a computer vision system.  The vision system would identify/cull valuable coins and let the rest of the coins pass through for denomination sorting and packaging in rolls.  The valuable coins would then be available for you to inspect in the morning along with a computer report advising why the coins were selected.  You probably can find concepts of this idea in established inspection processes – like mail sorting and various industries - and put them together for this specialized application.

And think of it – all this could be going on while you are sleeping, working at a “real” job, or golfing!
Possible Start Building Blocks –
  • Existing concepts for coin counters, machine vision systems, personal computer camera security systems, post office mail sorting software, etc.

  • USPTO Class/Subclasses for "How-To" ideas – 194/215, 194/224, 348/42, 348/143
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