Monday, September 22, 2014

There Are Not Enough Medications or Treatments for Pediatric Cancer. Here is What You Can Do About It

What Would You Do If Your Child Had Cancer and There was No Treatment?

There Are Not Enough Medications or Treatments for Pediatric Cancer. Here is What You Can Do About It

From the recent article "Cancer drugs for children remain scarce in U.S.", I was shocked to learn that only one new drug for pediatric cancer has been available in the U.S. over the last 20 years. In addition, only 4 percent of research dollars goes for pediatric cancers. 

From what I have read so far, the problem is that drug companies do not want to make new pediatric cancer drugs because the drugs are not profitable. Other than leukemia, other childhood cancers are relatively rare. 

To encourage pharmaceutical companies to develop new pediatric cancer drugs, new U.S. laws were made, but these new laws do not seem to be very effective.
I did not like to hear that, so I am writing this article on what can be done to improve this situation. 

Here is what you can do to help develop new cancer treatments for children: 

1. Express your concerns to your local Congress Person.
2. Tell the U.S. President more needs to be done.
3. Contact your local Children's Hospital and ask what can be done on a local level.
4. Check out the Organizations listed below. Ask how you can help, then follow through and implement their advice.
5. Promote this cause on Social Media, e.g. Facebook.
6. Pass this article around and ask others to become involved. Some examples might be your doctor, place of worship, friends, family, work, etc. The more people asking for change, the more likely change will occur.
7. Where possible and practical, use photos and true-life stories for emphasis. It is harder to say no to a person, especially a sick child, than a statistic.
8. Keep at it. Be persistent. Do not give up. Sick kids are depending on you. 

  • Pediatric cancer drugs are not developed in the U.S. due to lack of profit.
  • Drug makers might be encouraged to develop new drugs or treatments.
  • You can help effect positive change by taking action steps. Start today.
For More Information:
The Problem:
Potential Solutions:
Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical advice.

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