Sunday, February 19, 2006

Idea for Sharpener for lawnmower blades

How about a sharpener for lawnmower blades without having to take off blades?  This could be a sharpening mat for the lawn mower to ride over and sharpen blades.  Think of artificial grass that is abrasive and angled.  The concept is for the blades to go over a surface that is abrasive and gives the blades the proper angle.  The blades would not cut this abrasive “grass”, but rather the mower blades would be sharpened by the action of the “angled abrasive grass” on the blades.  Another way to do this would be to have a “sleeve sharpener” to slide over the blade from the mower exhaust chute.  Of course, all this would have to be done in a safe manner, similar to routine blade sharpening techniques.

Possible Start Building Blocks –
  • Existing concepts for knife sharpeners, farm implement sharpeners, paint removing abrasive discs, grinding wheels, etc.

  • USPTO Class/Subclasses for "How-To" ideas – 451/141, 451/349
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  1. Anonymous9:38 AM CST

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