Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Design for the Other 90%: Bridging Gaps with Inclusive Design


In a world where access to basic necessities remains a luxury for many, the concept of "Design for the Other 90%" emerges as a beacon of hope.  This movement, spearheaded by designers, engineers, and social entrepreneurs, aims to bridge the gap by creating affordable and practical solutions for the vast majority of the global population living in poverty.  At its core, "Design for the Other 90%" embodies the ethos of inclusive design, striving to empower underserved communities and improve their quality of life.

Origins and Ideals

The genesis of "Design for the Other 90%" can be traced back to Cynthia E. Smith's seminal book of the same name.  Through her work, Smith sheds light on the stark reality that approximately 90% of the world's population lacks access to essential products and services.  These range from clean water and sanitation facilities to adequate housing and healthcare.  The movement challenges traditional design paradigms, urging practitioners to shift their focus from serving the affluent minority to addressing the needs of the marginalized majority.

Cooper Hewitt Exhibition: Showcasing Innovation

One of the pivotal moments in the "Design for the Other 90%" movement was the exhibition hosted by the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.  Titled "Design for the Other 90%“, the showcase featured over 30 innovative projects from around the globe.  These projects exemplified the principles of inclusive design, offering solutions to pressing challenges faced by underserved communities.  From low-cost medical devices to sustainable agricultural tools, each exhibit underscored the transformative power of design in uplifting lives.

Documentary Series: Designing for Change

Complementing the exhibition is the documentary series "Design with the Other 90%.”  Through compelling narratives and real-life examples, the series delves into the transformative potential of design in developing cities.  By highlighting the stories of grassroots innovators and community-led initiatives, the documentaries inspire viewers to rethink conventional approaches to design and embrace a more inclusive and equitable ethos.

Looking Ahead: A Call to Action

As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, the imperative to design for the other 90% has never been more pressing.  While progress has been made, significant challenges persist.  Climate change, urbanization, and economic disparities continue to exacerbate inequalities, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable.  However, amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for collaboration and innovation.

By harnessing the power of design, we can unlock solutions that transcend borders and transform lives.  Whether it's leveraging renewable energy technologies to provide clean power to off-grid communities or developing affordable housing solutions resilient to local environmental conditions, the possibilities are endless.  However, it requires a collective effort—one that transcends disciplines and embraces diversity of thought.

In conclusion, "Design for the Other 90%" serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of design in building a more inclusive and sustainable future.  Through empathy, creativity, and collaboration, we can bridge the gap and ensure that no one is left behind.

On a personal note, I came across the Cooper Exhibit and was greatly impressed.  About that same time, there was an issue of Time Magazine, from what I remember, that was all on “water” – the entire issue covered the world and how precious water is to many people on a daily/hourly basis.  I’m so lucky to live in a place where water is prevalent, yet the magazine changed my behavior to trying to save water on a personal basis and to treat it as precious, too.

Furthermore, I was nearing retirement and I thought I’d use my technical and research abilities to make some blog articles and here they are below.  I hope you and/or others find them useful.

Electronic Stethoscope and Analyzer for under $5.00 - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2009/07/electronic-stethoscope-and-analyzer-for.html

Low-Cost Village Sanitation - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2009/06/low-cost-village-sanitation.html

Low-Cost People Powered Corn Grinder - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2009/05/low-cost-people-powered-corn-grinder.html

Low-Cost Trash Handling System/Incinerator - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2009/03/design-notes-for-low-cost-trash.html

Low-Cost Solar Percolator Water Pump - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2008/07/design-notes-for-low-cost-solar.html

Low-Cost Bicycle-Powered Devices - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2008/05/design-notes-for-low-cost-bicycle.html

Low-Cost Rat Catching Devices - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2008/02/design-notes-for-low-cost-rat-catching.html

Low-Cost Mosquito Control Devices for Malaria Prevention - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/11/design-notes-for-low-cost-mosquito.html

Low-Cost Mass-Transportation using Blimps, etc. - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/11/design-notes-for-low-cost-mass.html

Low Cost Solar Cooling - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/11/design-notes-for-low-cost-solar-cooling.html

Low-Cost Products using Sand - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/10/design-notes-for-low-cost-products.html

Low Cost Cooling Devices - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/09/design-notes-for-low-cost-cooling.html

Low-Cost Dental Supplies - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/09/design-notes-for-low-cost-dental.html

Low Cost "People-powered" Tools - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/09/design-notes-for-low-cost-people.html

Low Cost Dew Collectors or Solar Stills for Water - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/08/design-notes-for-low-cost-dew.html

Low Cost Solar Water Pumps - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/08/design-notes-for-low-cost-solar-water.html

Low Cost Eyeglasses- http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/07/design-notes-for-low-cost-eyeglasses.html

Low Cost Hearing Aids - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/07/fyi-heres-some-information-you-might.html

Low Cost Treadle Pump - http://tgideas.blogspot.com/2007/07/design-notes-for-low-cost-treadle-pump.html

Thanks for reading this – please share your thoughts.  Let's discuss in the comments below.

Thanks to Generative AI, Google Bard/Gemini and ChatGPT, for help preparing this article.

If you like my work, please check out my Author Page.  Thanks!

Disclaimer - For informational purposes only.  This article is not a substitute for professional advice.  Additional Disclaimers here.


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#DesignForChange #InclusiveDesign #GlobalDevelopment #SustainableSolutions #SocialInnovation #EmpowerCommunities #DesignThinking #EquitableFuture #EndPoverty #CommunityDrivenDesign #CreativeSolutions #BuildingBetterWorlds #DesignWithPurpose #AccessibleTechnology #EmpathyInDesign #DesignForTheOther90 #SocialImpact #BridgingTheGap #HumanCenteredDesign #PovertyEradication #JoinTheMovement #MakeADifference #DesignForGood #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #CommunityEmpowerment #BreakingBarriers #ChangeTheWorld

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